Old Habits: Spark Plug Service Now
A whole lot of evolution has occurred since most of us first started replacing plugs, so it’s time we re-examined our procedures and incorporate the latest subtleties
A whole lot of evolution has occurred since most of us first started replacing plugs, so it’s time we re-examined our procedures and incorporate the latest subtleties
The life span of the gasoline you buy at your local station can range from several months to a couple years from the day it was refined depending on how it was stored.
A whole lot of evolution has occurred since most of us first started replacing plugs, so it’s time we re-examined our procedures and incorporate the latest subtleties
The life span of the gasoline you buy at your local station can range from several months to a couple years from the day it was refined depending on how it was stored.
Swapping a modern computer-managed EFI engine into a vintage or classic vehicle is a technological challenge, but the results will be well worth it.
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