Author: Import Service

A Battery Of Tests

There have been many changes in vehicle battery technology and we’ve seen the emergence of vehicle electronics. These changes have taken some of the value out of the hydrometer test.

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Up In Smoke

About two days after the “Craftmanship” article appeared in February’s Import Service, an acquaintance told me that his ’87 Camry was stuck in his company’s parking lot because it refused to move out of its parking space.

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Tech Tips

Rodney Gets The Shaft; Gnashing Teeth; Rotor Thickness Gauge; One Ringy-Dingy; No Check Engine Light; Is It Tight?; Turn Me Loose; Armstrong Steering

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Tech Tips

Under Pressure; Unheated Mixture; Gasping For Air; Crossed Wires; False Alarm; Crank Bolt Removal; Keeping The R-12 On The Inside; Stopping More Leaks

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