Author: Import Service

Blue Green

The necessity of saving our blue skies from the effects of ozone damage is about to start costing some additional green down here at ground zero.

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Tension Headache

Replacing the timing belt on most engines isn’t all that difficult. Just take it apart, line up the timing marks, install the new belt, put it all back together, and away you go.

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Logic Gates

The decorative patterns scrolled at the top of our gate are some of the lesser known symbols found in schematic drawings, and are used to indicate the Logic Gates found in computers.

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Carside Manner

I intercepted a fax the other day. An old friend who operates a vary (I mean very) successful shop specializing in very (I mean VERY) expensive European cars had faxed a plea for help to an associate.

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BMW 2002

Why would anybody write about the BMW 2002, you might ask? Why concentrate on a car that hasn’t even been produced for 15 years?

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4 Gas Follow Up

Now we’d like to introduce you to two little known tools which can make 4 gas analysis even more efficient. Hope you don’t mind 4 gas two months in a row, but the tools mentioned here seemed to be a good follow up.

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4 Gas Analysis

As mandatory emissions testing gets to be a hotter and hotter topic, the 4 gas emission analyzer will soon be finding its way into more and more shops.

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Bottoms Up

This month we’re ready to turn the Cressida’s straight six Bottoms Up so that we can concentrate on lower engine inspection, overhaul, and assembly techniques.

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