Author: Import Service

Car Care Malls

Here’s a profile of a new wave in one-stop shopping. Car care malls offer everything from automotive service and parts to fast food and retail shops.

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Vernier Calipers

We talked about the use of micrometers in our April issue. But there’s another handy measuring tool available to you that is accurate, versatile, and easy to use – the vernier caliper.

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Honda Auxiliary Valve

Honda CVCC engines have a third valve on each cylinder. It’s a tiny valve compared to the normal intake and exhaust valves. Like the intake and exhaust valves, it’s cam operated and has an oil seal to meter oiling at the top end.

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KE-Jetronic Strategies

As with all the versions of this wonderful system, the basic fuel metering is hydraulic. Even if all the electrical spies at the front lines go south for the winter, the car will still run.

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Carside Manner

It doesn’t matter how good you and your crew are at your jobs. Sooner or later, a customer will return to your door with something less pleasant on his mind than a discussion of yesterday’s football game.

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