Author: Import Service

Business Software, Part Two

July’s Front Counter Mechanics discussed the Microsoft Office suite of products. The article was published not because we at Import Service own lots of Microsoft stock (Don’t we wish!), but because Office has become the standard of business information exchange. So, what exactly is ‘business information exchange?’ The way this article comes to you is […]

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Vetronix Mastertech: Asian Software

Planned obsolescence was once a fact of life in dealer showrooms. Last year’s models automatically looked outdated and tired, just as soon as the new models and the new advertising were released. Those who bought into the ‘newer is better’ sales pitch replaced their cars every two or three years. This was probably a good […]

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“Simon Says …” Part Two

As we learned in Part One of this article (Import Service, June 2000), we owe Georg Simon Ohm a debt of gratitude for the electrical principles he published in 1827, which later came to be known as Ohm’s Law. These principles explained in mathematical form the relationship of voltage (E), current (I) and resistance (R) […]

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Marketing Your Repair Shop

A lot more goes into running a successful automotive repair shop than simply renting some space and hanging out a sign. At least some time must be devoted to attracting and keeping customers. This activity can be loosely described as “marketing your business.” Perhaps you have experimented by buying a Yellow Pages ad, subscribing to […]

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Brake Dance: Honda Brake Service Tips

Some of the mistakes and omissions I’ve run across, as well as detailing the trickier dance steps to help you turn out quality Honda brake work. When it comes to doing a quality brake service on Hondas, some folks are tripping over their tap shoes. How much difficulty is there in hanging a new set […]

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Turn Up The Heat: Summer 2000 A/C Report

For so long and so often, you’ve heard R-12 supplies are running out, you’ve probably stopped believing it ever will happen. EPA officials at the Mobile Air Conditioning Society (MACS) 2000 convention don’t blame you, but they say they have hard numbers now and suggest this summer will be the last with enough R-12. The […]

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