If the technician is capable of diagnosing problems with modern computer-intensive fuel-injected engines, he or she should be able to diagnosis (and repair) any ignition or fuel system problem encountered on a carbureted engine.
One of the best ways to get a big bang for the dollar spent when you are looking to increase the power of a carburetor-equipped engine is to tune the ignition advance. The mechanical spark advance curve that was used on most production engines when they left the...
In this issue of HOT ROD Professional, we’ll cover threaded fasteners, ignition timing, detonation, suspension tightening technology and more – including Chrysler OEM News, HOT ROD Pro-Files, and Information station.
To run properly, any gasoline-burning engine requires three elements to work together in perfect harmony: compression, fuel, and, our subject here, spark. Maintaining this harmony insures the legendary power and performance of Mercedes-Benz vehicles.
Theft deterrents make sense on a new vehicle. Eventually, though, these become old vehicles that have to be repaired. How do you diagnose  the GM Passkey III system that is designed to prevent the engine from starting? We can’t  ask a car thief, can we?
A coil atop every spark plug. OK, it’s easy enough to see it’s possible. But the question is, why is this a reasonable way to set up an ignition system? Obviously, it costs more to build and buy (as well as to diagnose or fix) than any other kind of ignition system, but what are […]
Understanding of how Hondas park works and what changes have occurred can help solve some puzzling no-start and cylinder-miss problems that come your way.