What are your plans for the computers in your shop? Are you going to replace them? Network them? Banish them forever? What will you use the computers in your shop for in years to come?
What are your plans for the computers in your shop? Are you going to replace them? Network them? Banish them forever? What will you use the computers in your shop for in years to come?
We’ll examine the elimination of a few of the system’s earlier trouble-areas, explain how to read and understand the built-in fault-codes and explore some of the more common problems with the later systems.
As the carmakers include more features and new kinds of driveability and emissions controls into their cars, scanner manufacturers have to follow the lead of the carmakers and make their tools fit the cars on the road.
While the four-valve cylinder does have the advantages of high rpm for racing and other high-speed purposes, that’s not what they’re for in most of the ordinary cars we see in the shop.
In important and unexpected ways, the information in wiring diagrams is our most valuable diagnostic tool; so most good mechanics use them frequently for just such troubleshooting.
A’87 Merkur XR4ti with no heater fan on all speeds except High. The customer also mentioned that he had recently begun to notice a few drops of oil on his garage floor and an occasional hesitation problem on moderate acceleration, primarily in second and third gears.
As complicated as they may seem, even Honda carbs fit comfortably into this simple carburetor definition.
Cheap cars can get expensive in a hurry, especially when they develop an appetite for electronic parts.
The purpose of the loan presentation package is to provide the bank with the information needed to analyze your loan request.
Fishless Antenna Replacement; Timing Cover Tip; Valves and MAP Sensor; Timing Belt Heads-up; Cranky Crank Pully Bolts; (Don’t) Lean On Me