In 1908, Ohioan Charles Kettering invented and patented a spark ignition system that we’re still using. His Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company would later become known simply as DELCO.
In 1908, Ohioan Charles Kettering invented and patented a spark ignition system that we’re still using. His Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company would later become known simply as DELCO.
The RadiCool tester is equipped with an assortment of adapters that will match the tester up to a variety of cooling systems.
We’re back again to consider the report’s observations and recommendations concerning automotive repair shop culture, diagnostic procedures, and shop policies.
More scientific approaches to forecasting have included the use of a devide called a barometer, used to measure changes in atmospheric pressure. Generally, low pressure means the weather will suck.
Fast, accurate diagnosis of auto electric/electronic problems is a big part of our daily shop routine, isn’t it? We’re all spending a lot more time and money on electrical test equipment and training than we used to.
The willingness of Honda’s design engineers to follow that simple rule has made the Honda Accord a hot selling car in this country for the past several years.
If you’re having trouble telling one ABS system from another, you’re not alone.
Mercedes-Benz Heat/AC;Â Diesel Starting Problems;Â Parts Update;Â VW Valve Installed Height;Â Oil Pan Gasket Stick-Up;Â Legendary Cruise Control;Â Won’t Get Fooled Again
Somebody offered me another half a buck per flat rate hour to add Audi 100 LS models to my repair schedule.
How long do you think it would take before you were exhausted if you had to endure that kind of duty?