2006 Hyundai Santa Fe Heater Blower With No Speed Control

This specific HVAC system has no self-diagnostic abilities, but does control the blend doors and A/C while manually controlling the blower motor speed. This article is intended for the learning technicians that have an interest in diagnosing and testing a Hyundai HVAC...
Shoehorn Fit

Shoehorn Fit

Every once in a while, it’s fun to do a job for the first time. Believe it or not, I’d never had cause to replace a Honda Accord timing belt.

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Nissan Chokeless Hitachi: Part One

Nissan Chokeless Hitachi: Part One

This unique carburetor had been out of production for nearly two years, and some of the over one million Sentras and Pulsars equipped with chokeless Hitachis were beginning to show up for service at independent shops around the country.

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Carside Manner

Carside Manner

October’s column on female customers brought some interesting responses, opinions, and a suggested solution for dealing with older female customers.

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Sixteen Minutes

Sixteen Minutes

Have you ever been to the doctor’s office, only to have him turn you over to the nurse for some tests before you even have a chance to discuss your problem with him?

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K-Jet Control Pressure

K-Jet Control Pressure

Unlike past overview articles, we’ll limit each article in this series to a specific problem, subsystem, or procedure which can cause all those crazy no-starts, hiccups, stumbles, and blind staggers.

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Handyman’s Special

Handyman’s Special

After glowing description of the car’s many positive features, the ad will often close with the cautionary phrase “needs minor repair” or “Handyman’s Special?”

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Tech Tips

Tech Tips

Mitsubishi Vacuum Load Sensor; Speedometer Cable Lubrication; Nissan Timing Belt Damage; BMW A/C Compressors; Isuzu Throttle Position Sensor; Custom Wire Loom Holders; Belated Apology And Thanks

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