2006 Hyundai Santa Fe Heater Blower With No Speed Control

This specific HVAC system has no self-diagnostic abilities, but does control the blend doors and A/C while manually controlling the blower motor speed. This article is intended for the learning technicians that have an interest in diagnosing and testing a Hyundai HVAC...
Carside Manner

Carside Manner

Automakers, realizing that most of us receive the bulk of our driver’s education at a local amusement park, have begun using the wonders of high tech to make the operation of their cars as idiot proof as possible.

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Tech Tips

Tech Tips

Intermittent Engine Miss; Owner Interrogation; Save The Environment; Two From One; Knock Sensors; EGR Passage Cleanout

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Tech Tips

Tech Tips

Injector Flow Testing; Seal Installation Aid; Stumbling Stanza; Drum and Rotor Refinishing; BMW Radio Security Codes

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Carside Manner

Carside Manner

A female customer entered a shop and approached the service counter. She and the owner of the shop had gone to high school together, and had remained close friends over the years.

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