2006 Hyundai Santa Fe Heater Blower With No Speed Control

This specific HVAC system has no self-diagnostic abilities, but does control the blend doors and A/C while manually controlling the blower motor speed. This article is intended for the learning technicians that have an interest in diagnosing and testing a Hyundai HVAC...
4 Gas Analysis

4 Gas Analysis

As mandatory emissions testing gets to be a hotter and hotter topic, the 4 gas emission analyzer will soon be finding its way into more and more shops.

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Bottoms Up

Bottoms Up

This month we’re ready to turn the Cressida’s straight six Bottoms Up so that we can concentrate on lower engine inspection, overhaul, and assembly techniques.

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Tech Tips

Tech Tips

Subaru Coolant Loss, Part Two; Toyota Torque Converter Installation; Nissan Maxima Driveability Problems; Supra No-Go; Toyota Tercel Clutch Replacement; Biting Back

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Dremel Tool

Dremel Tool

Have you ever wished for a small power tool to reach those tight places where air tools just wouldn’t fit? The Dremel 4100 Automotive Service Kit and accessory Flex Shaft may be what you’re looking for.

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Baby Bimmer

Baby Bimmer

After looking at the lead photo for this article on 3-series BMW service tips, you might get the impression that the owners of these cars are a bunch of crybabies.

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