2006 Hyundai Santa Fe Heater Blower With No Speed Control

This specific HVAC system has no self-diagnostic abilities, but does control the blend doors and A/C while manually controlling the blower motor speed. This article is intended for the learning technicians that have an interest in diagnosing and testing a Hyundai HVAC...
Drawing a Line in the Mixture – Honda Linear O2 Sensors

Drawing a Line in the Mixture – Honda Linear O2 Sensors

Honda’s Linear Air/Fuel Sensor lets the engine sometimes run on extremely lean air-fuel mixtures for fuel economy. But how does it work, and how did they avoid the emissions problem of NOX? In an odd way, they’re the oldest of the ‘new’ oxy-gen sensors. Honda used a special “linear air/fuel sensor” from 1992 to 1995 […]

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Certified Inspections, Part 2

Certified Inspections, Part 2

Last month’s Front Counter Mechanics described the Car Care Council’s Certified Inspection Center (CIC) program. For those unfamiliar with the Car Care Council (CCC), it is a nonprofit organization dedicated to “educating motorists about the importance of maintenance, repair and enhancements for safer, cleaner, better-performing vehicles.” Only the top shops can be Certified Inspection Centers. […]

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Technical Myths and Contrary Realities

Our Greek and Roman forebears invented elaborate mythologies to ‘explain’ the things they saw around them but couldn’t understand. Centuries later, we pride ourselves on our scientific knowledge and scoff at those ancient myths. But as I recently discovered while teaching a course in advanced diagnostic techniques, mythmaking is not dead; we’ve just updated it […]

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“Simon Says…”

Once there was a fellow named Georg who found out more about electrical circuits than most scientists of the time, and he did it before most ordinary people even realized electrical circuits could occur. His name was Georg Simon Ohm — Herr Professor Doktor Georg Simon Ohm, actually. You should recognize his last name because […]

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Certified Inspection, Part 1

Certified Inspection, Part 1

You can run a business the same way you live your life. To keep both vital, it’s a good practice to periodically review what you’ve grown accustomed to doing. It’s been nearly three years since “Front Counter Mechanics” last discussed marketing. Business has changed since then, and it’s time to revisit and reconsider some of […]

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Catalytic Converters and OBD-II Monitors

Catalytic Converters and OBD-II Monitors

Can you remember the first new car that had a catalytic converter? To sharpen your recollection, the first catalytic converters were introduced in the mid-70’s when the Clean Air Act was first signed into law. The first car to meet the 1975 emissions standards was a Chrysler Avenger, and it was equipped with a rhodium-promoted […]

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D-Jet Rules!

D-Jet Rules!

The Mother of All (well, the mother of most) Fuel-Injection Fuel injection for automotive engines goes back at least to the folks at Gasmotorenfabrik Deutz in 1898, whose mechanical plunger-pumps fueled turn-of-that-century engines until those goldurned newfangled contraptions, carburetors[!], supplanted them. Almost since then — since 1912, that is — Robert Bosch GmbH of Stuttgart […]

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