Make Sure You Understand ABS Fundamentals Before You Attempt Diagnosis or Repair If you live in a heavy-traffic area, perhaps you’ve noticed something interesting: Where you used to frequently hear the wailing squeal of skidding tires during some...
An owner of a 1996 or later Subaru vehicle may require your expertise because the on-board diagnostic system has detected a fault. This sophisticated system can tell you whatʼs wrong, if you know how to listen.
Periodic inspection of a vehicleʼs suspension systems and wheel alignment assures the best possible combination of ride quality, handling
and tire life.
Evaporative System Diagnosis As fuel is pumped into the tank, fuel vapors are displaced. These vapors are trapped by the on board refueling vapor recovery system before they can escape into the atmosphere via the fuel filler neck. Diagnosis and testing of this system...
As fuel is pumped into the tank, fuel vapors are displaced. These vapors are trapped by the on board refueling vapor recovery system before they can escape into the atmosphere via the fuel filler neck. Diagnosis and testing of this system requires special procedures.
Subaru vehicles are equipped with either a Conventional or Enhanced Evaporative Emissions Control System. Each system uses a different method to prevent unburned hydrocarbons from escaping to the atmosphere.
In this issue: 4EAT Phase 1 Diagnosis and Service The Subaru 4EAT transmission is a four speed, microprocessor-controlled transmission. Changes in your diagnostic approach, due to these electronic transmission controls, are required. 4EAT Phase 2 Overview Internal and...