In this issue:
Fuel Pump Longevity, Diagnosis, and Forecasting
The electric fuel pumps Mercedes-Benz vehicles have used for many decades have evolved and improved immensely. Given their continuous duty and the junk they often have to ingest, however, replacement is still a common job.
Matte the Flat-tering Finish
Mercedes-Benz Magno Matte paints create a soft sheen instead of a mirror-like shine. The matte finish is popular because it is both beautiful and unique. Heads turn when a matte-finish car goes by!
HFO-1234yf Rejection Continues Safety Leadership
“Due to the new findings of this study and the high safety demands at Mercedes-Benz, this chemical will not be used in its products,†the company states unequivocally.
Diagnosing Power Seats
Though very durable and dependable, after long use Mercedes-Benz power seats can develop problems. Here’s how to approach them.