In this issue:
Baseline that Battery and Charging System
Much of your electrical and electronic testing will be meaningless if you don’t.
The Bus Stops Here
Why CAN systems were adopted, High and Low, what a scan tool or scope can tell you, differentiating a bad module from a poor connection, and proper wiring/connector repairs.
Why You Should Use Mercedes-Benz’s New Blue Anti-Freeze
There are many different antifreeze formulations out there in the wild and wooly real world, but for the Mercedes-Benz service specialist who cares about his customers there’s only one real choice.Â
Using the Mercedes-Benz Workshop Information System (WIS) in Collision Repair
If collision repair of old was concerned with appearance, it is today far more about critical safety and reliability requirements. There is a vast amount of information available in WIS to help you straighten or replace, weld, bond, rivet, or otherwise fasten components back together in a manner that meets critical strength, durability, and safety requirements.