In this issue:
The Return of the Mercedes-Benz Hybrid
A major hybrid automobile and truck innovator just after the turn of the 20th Century, Mercedes-Benz has engineered advanced versions of the concept that are not only highly economical, but also have a big “Wow†factor.
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In 1998, the SLK got a supercharger that provided the “right now†feeling normally associated with larger engines. These and other later models should be showing up in your shop by now, so you’d better know how they work.
Tracing Parasitic Drains
More often than not, tracing parasitic drains can require a substantial amount of detective work. That’s the tough part. Once you’ve identified the source of a key-off current draw, the repair is usually simple.
Adhesive Bonding and Riveting
Heat from welding can seriously compromise the strength of the advanced materials used in modern Mercedes-Benz vehicles, so adhesive bonding and riveting have become mandatory skills for collision techs. Cold joining has other advantages, too.