Bimmer Clutch Damp AIR (VW and Volvo air pump) Draining Uphill (gearboxes and differentials) Hood Prop Prop (lift cylinders wear out…) Temporary Special Tool (Toyota Celica TPS sensor lower screw access)
Bimmer Clutch Damp AIR (VW and Volvo air pump) Draining Uphill (gearboxes and differentials) Hood Prop Prop (lift cylinders wear out…) Temporary Special Tool (Toyota Celica TPS sensor lower screw access)
Engine Transplants for Fun and Profit.
Primary Electrical System Troubleshooting.
The complex electrical web of the Mazda retractable headlight system, unraveled at last.
One of my main income-generating activities involves ‘routine’ maintenance services on Hondas
As long as electronics have been around and as long as they will exist, someone will always try to economize on circuit materials. When too much current is applied for the circuit materials to handle, the electronics overheat. Heat is the skulking menace of electronics. If all the heat could be dissipated effectively, most electronic […]
In previous articles we discussed electrical troubleshooting techniques for measuring circuit voltages and voltage drops using a DMM. We also discussed using a DMM to measure resistance. But let’s not get so focused on the theory of DMM’s and voltage and resistance measurement. If we do, we risk overlooking the application of these principles to […]
Part Four of the “Front Counter Mechanics†Business Software series (Import Service, November 2000) described how to retrieve certain facts and figures from shop management pro-grams, then import the data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. This month’s article describes how to import data that Excel doesn’t recognize. Previous articles described how to use Microsoft WordPad […]
Curing the Camry’s intermittent ailment was hard enough, but psychoanalyzing the anxious owner had to come first. Autopsychology: The Art It looked very sharp for a nine-year-old car. The still shiny ’91 Camry came in running fine, on its own with no obvious problems – no misses, no smoke, nothing scraping, banging, flapping, clanking or […]
The recent SAE Future Transportation Technology Conference in Costa Mesa, California, provided information on hybrid electric vehicles, 42-volt electrical systems, alternate fuel and fuel cell technology, Intelligent Data Bus (IDB) and OBD-II+ systems. All of these technologies will (perhaps) find their way into new vehicles in the not-too distant future. However, I believe the Intelligent […]