Ease of manufacture, shear strength and aesthetic body lines are only some of the reasons Mercedes-Benz uses chemical bonding for joining body panels. How can we duplicate an OEM panel seam?
Installing a new control unit to replace the failed one is only half the job. With various combinations of options available on the same model, the new unit has to learn which are installed and how to work with them.
Since the early ‘90s, Mercedes-Benz has developed its Controller Area Network (CAN) to control how components communicate with each other and with us through our Compact III or Basic. How has this evolved, and what does it mean to diagnosis and repair?
Automobile emissions are a hot topic among environmentalists, drivers and technicians. Mercedes-Benz vehicles utilize emissions systems, such as Exhaust Gas Recirculation, to reduce harmful pollutants.
In the last issue of StarTuned we introduced basic air bag maintenance and repair and as promised, here is part two of Cushioning the Blow. ÂÂNow we’ll take a look at the Emergency Tensioning Device (ETD), further testing and checklists.
One of the benefits of owning a Mercedes-Benz is a seamless transfer of power from the engine to the road. To add to the experience adaptive transmission shifting tailors the vehicle to the driver. Let’s see how Mercedes-Benz manages these two feats.
DAS and “Keyless Go†are technological features that make life easier as well as increasing the security of Mercedes-Benz vehicles. It is a continuing evolution of various convenience systems. Knowing how these systems work will make diagnosing problems a profitable experience.
These suggestions and solutions for technical problems are from service bulletins and other information published by Mercedes-Benz, selected and adapted for independent repair shops.