Timing belt inspection and replacement are critical to safeguarding the life of every modern Subaru engine. Here’s a step-by-step look at these important procedures.
Timing belt inspection and replacement are critical to safeguarding the life of every modern Subaru engine. Here’s a step-by-step look at these important procedures.
Here’s a look at what’s “hot†in the rapidly changing automotive air conditioning industry. Service facilities will face new environmental and regulatory challenges.
Subaru vehicles needing air conditioning service or maintenance will soon drive into your shop. Here are some tips to help you service them.
Belts used to be the most likely engine components to fail or break. Now, they are durable and dependable, but still need inspection and replacement.
Subaru valve trains are well-designed and highly durable, but even a great engine can be damaged by neglect, or faulty service procedures.
This department presents an assortment of Subaru service bulletins and time-saving tips useful to aftermarket technicians. Tips in this issue concentrate on vehicle maintenance and inspection services.
Will you be ready to take advantage of this opportunity to reinforce good relations with your current customers, establish new ones and make more profit?
You can rest assured that remanufactured CV drive axles from your Subaru N.E.W. Horizons Dealer are every bit as good as the originals.
The Don’t overlook the fuel filter when diagnosing starting or stalling problems. The fuel injection systems on present-day vehicles have become so highly sophisticated that we sometimes tend to overlook the simple things.
Don’t ignore the often-forgotten power steering system. It needs inspection, maintenance and service too.