Planned obsolescence was once a fact of life in dealer showrooms. Last year’s models automatically looked outdated and tired, just as soon as the new models and the new advertising were released. Those who bought into the ‘newer is better’ sales pitch replaced their cars every two or three years. This was probably a good thing for more reasons that might be immediately apparent. Sure, it helped the manufacturers and their dealers sell millions of cars each year. But it also covered up the fact that some of those old cars just weren’t built to last very long anyway.
Automotive change continues unabated to the present day, but now it’s technology rather than styling that sets the pace. Each new model year brings additional complexity and new features, as well as modifications to existing vehicle systems. When they need diagnosis or repair, many new vehicles require specialized equipment of one sort or another.
If you’re planning the purchase of diagnostic equipment to deal with this unending technology escalation, one of the first questions you’ll ask is “How long before this piece of equipment becomes obsolete and is of no further use to my business?†While that’s a difficult question for any diagnostic equipment manufacturer, it nevertheless deserves an answer. Nobody wants to lay out hard-earned money for equipment that will be gathering dust in the corner of the shop before the last payment has been made or before the equipment pays for itself in use.
To avoid product obsolescence, Vetronix has fol-lowed a path of steady development with its hand-held Mastertech MFT (Multi Function Tool). While you may think of the Mastertech as a scanner, it has many other features. The Mastertech also includes an automotive oscilloscope and digital meter. The tool can be linked to other Vetronix diagnostic tools, including the Enhanced Diagnostic Lead Set. Tech View software allows the user to view and store vehicle data collected by the Mastertech on any Windows-based PC. The Vetronix VP-411 serial graphic printer can be used to print screen and text data directly from the Mastertech. A standard text-based serial printer can also be used for printing text only. The Mastertech is also reprogrammable, so the tool can be upgraded by reprogramming its program cards as new capabilities are added.
A recent Mastertech upgrade is the 1999 Asian Imports Diagnostic Software Kit. If you already own a Mastertech, the Asian Kit can be purchased separate-ly. The Kit provides Scantest capability for 15 Asian vehicle manufacturers: Acura, Chrysler imports, Daihatsu, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti, Isuzu, Kia, Lexus, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Subaru, Suzuki and Toyota. In addition, Vetronix now provides aftermarket OEM software for seven of the 15 Asian vehicle manufacturers. The program card can be used to access information on the following vehicle systems: engine, transmission, antilock brakes, air conditioning, airbag, body, cruise control and more.
The 1999 Asian Imports Software Starter Kit consists of a software cartridge, a software program card and all necessary cables and adapters for the 15 covered vehicle manufacturers. The 1999 Asian Cartridge is compatible with the MTS 3100 Mastertech, Tech 1A and Tech 1 testers. The OEM software for Acura, Honda, Kia, Lexus, and Toyota is contained on a program card that requires the use of an OBD II compliant MTS 3100 Mastertech. The Suzuki and Isuzu OEM software is Tech 1-based and is supported by all Vetronix testers, as are Chrysler imports, Daihatsu, Hyundai, Infiniti, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, and Subaru.
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