In this issue:
The Key is That You Don’t Need One
DAS and “Keyless Go†are technological features that make life easier as well as increasing the security of Mercedes-Benz vehicles. It is a continuing evolution of various convenience systems. Knowing how these systems work will make diagnosing problems a profitable experience.
Cooling System Service
Summer is almost upon us, and with the warmer weather come customers hot under the collar about air conditioning performance.
Smooth Shifting
One of the benefits of owning a Mercedes-Benz is a seamless transfer of power from the engine to the road. To add to the experience adaptive transmission shifting tailors the vehicle to the driver. Let’s see how Mercedes-Benz manages these two feats.
Cushioning the Blow – Part II
In the last issue of StarTuned we introduced basic air bag maintenance and repair and as promised, here is part two of Cushioning the Blow. ÂÂNow we’ll take a look at the Emergency Tensioning Device (ETD), further testing and checklists.