In this issue:
Getting the MOST
Nowhere is technological sophistication more evident than in automotive entertainment systems. These days, a Mercedes-Benz has so much more than a radio and CD player. Interconnectivity with peripherals, DVD, GPS, and Navigation make a lot of information available to the vehicle’s occupants. How do we keep this going?
Scan Tools
Is your choice of diagnostic tooling in collision repair helping or limiting you?
Second Time Around
Secondary air systems are designed to help the catalytic converter get up to operating temperature faster. When the system develops a problem, the ME control unit is capable of defining the fault. It’s our job to figure out the cause.
TPC: the Pressure is Controlled
In an effort to increase the safety of the driving public, Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS, Mercedes-Benz TPC) warn the driver when tire pressure is low and may cause tire failure. When the system needs maintenance, it’s our responsibility to repair this important safety tool.