Using Genuine Nissan Parts to repair your customer’s Nissan vehicle is always the best decision. Here’s why and how you can easily order online using the Nissan USA eSTORE.
Back in 1963, Coca-Cola® began using the slogan, “Things Go Better with Coke.”© The slogan inferred that food tasted better and social gatherings were more enjoyable if you drank Coke®. The public never believed that to be true. During the next several years, Coca-Cola’s® sales lead over rival Pepsi-Cola® began to slowly dwindle. After five years of little growth, Coca-Cola® realized that something had to be done in order to keep its crown. In 1969, the company asked for input from major advertising companies and settled on, “It’s the Real Thing.”© This slogan, the company hoped, would emphasize that Coca-Cola® was the original cola drink and make people want to buy and consume it because the original is always thought to be better by quality than copy-cat products. The original, the slogan inferred, is always the leader and best. Sales of Coke® rocketed to
new levels and the company held its lead over its cola rival.
So it is with automobile repair parts. The original part, designed and approved by the company for repairing its vehicles is always the best option because it meets the manufacturer’s specifications for fit, function, durability and efficiency.
Unlike a soft drink, the use of correct parts is a matter of safety, reliability and peace of mind for customer. It’s also good business for the installing shop by ensuring customer satisfaction and avoiding costly comebacks; things that help provide customer retention and build a good reputation.
When you use Genuine Nissan Parts, you can rest assured the part is perfect for the repair – The Real Thing.
The Real Thing vs Aftermarket Parts

Parts ordered from your local Nissan Wholesale Mechanical and Collision Repair Network Dealer can be delivered in a timely manner or picked up.
While third-party or online aftermarket parts may seem cheaper, in the long run, using Genuine Nissan Parts is likely to provide the best value.
First, if you order parts from your local Nissan Wholesale Mechanical and Collision Repair Network Dealer, the parts are already nearby – no long waiting period for shipping. You’ll get speedy delivery, or pick up availability.
Building a relationship with your local Nissan Program Dealer may entitle you to discounts or promotional prices and any parts that must be returned or core returns are easily handled – not so with some sources. The chance of getting the wrong part is minimized. And, you can also easily establish a wholesale account.
Simply stated: If you order Nissan parts from your local Nissan dealer, you’ll get “The Right Parts, at the Right Price, Right Now.” A list of Nissan Wholesale Mechanical and Collision Repair Network Dealers can be found at the end of this magazine.
Navigating the Nissan eSTORE Parts Website
Many service facilities find the best way to order Genuine Nissan Parts is by using the Nissan USA eSTORE parts website at You’ll find it quick and easy to order parts once you have used it a time or two. Let’s take a quick tour of the Nissan USA eSTORE parts website to learn the many aspects of the site and how it can be very valuable to your shop and Nissan-owning customers.
First, log onto the website at In the upper right corner you’ll notice three portal phrases which take you directly to helpful areas once you have made your initial purchase and established an account: “SITE FEEDBACK, RETURNING CUSTOMERS and WHOLESALE ACCOUNTS.” We’ll cover these a little further along, but first, let’s talk about the basics of navigating the website.
Along the top of the page, you’ll see the Nissan logo at the left side and a series of tabs for several sections named: HOME, PARTS, ACCESSORIES, MERCHANDISE and PROMOTIONS. Of course, you’re already on the HOME tab section, but these tabs will appear on most section pages so you can easily click on whatever tabs you wish to navigate around the site.
Before we explain the other section tabs, please note the dark gray search bar section below the section tabs displaying the silhouette of a car and a magnifying glass. This area has drop-down menus for search by year, model and parts by number or part name. This handy tool bar will appear on just about every page to help you purchase the correct parts.
Here is a brief explanation of the tab sections:
PARTS: You can use the search bar, or enter the VIN for best results.
ACCESSORIES: This section contains nearly 1200 items covering Audio, Exterior, Interior and NISMO. You can check the appropriate “Categories” box for the type of accessories you need.
MERCHANDISE: This area offers apparel, auto accessories, drinkware, GTR items, hats, Heritage Collection items, JUKE items, NISMO items, outerwear, Pens and Office items, Titan items, XTerra Items and Z items.
Even if you are not interested in purchasing any of these items for yourself, they can be used as shop decorating pieces to promote the fact that you professionally service Nissan vehicles or used as “thank you” gifts for your Nissan-owning customers.
PROMOTIONS: This section features videos of some of the accessories available and any special accessory promotions with online coupons. These promotion items are great opportunities to sell Genuine Nissan accessories to your Nissan customers.
Big Gray Search Buttons
Before we move on, you’ll notice three big gray buttons – or, more accurately – rectangles, for searching specific items. At the left is the PARTS button with a white silhouette of an engine. In the middle, the ACCESSORIES button shows a white tire. On the right is the MERCHANDISE button with a white T-shirt. These are a quick way to get to the area you wish to search. These buttons serve the same function as the tabs on the search bar above.
Let’s go back to those portals in the upper right corner we mentioned earlier. The SITE FEEDBACK portal is a great way to interact and communicate with the company about the website, its operation and function, and the opportunity to make helpful suggestions to improve the site.

The WHOLESALE ACCOUNTS portal is the go-to place for establishing and managing a Nissan eStore wholesale account.
The RETURNING CUSTOMERS portal is the place to log into your eSTORE account once you have one established.
The WHOLESALE ACCOUNTS portal is the ordering and account managing area for service facilities who have established a wholesale account.
The Value of a Wholesale Account
Having a Nissan Wholesale Account is quite advantageous for several reasons. Logging onto your account page you can:
- Order easily. You can order by make, model, year or VIN.
- Quick Order if you know the part numbers or VIN.
- See your recently searched vehicles.
- Quickly check order status.
- Quickly confirm parts selection.
Additional advantages include the ability to check parts availability and view parts diagrams and VIN-verified part numbers for every vehicle system and sub-system.
When finalizing your order and checking out, you’ll find the process to be very smooth:
- Your pricing and discounts are readily visible.
- Your purchase and delivery preferences are always saved for your next order.
- You can make payments or set up billing quickly and easily.
The Nissan Installer Repair Hotline
Nissan offers quick help when you are unsure how to service a Nissan vehicle or have a problem installing a Genuine Nissan Part. A complimentary hotline, powered by Identifix, is available at 855-828-4018 to help you get your customer’s Nissan back on the road quickly and repaired properly.
The Real Thing – Just a Click Away
Genuine Nissan Parts are just a click away. If you haven’t taken advantage of using to order Genuine Nissan Parts to keep your customer’s vehicles truly “original,” check it out today. It’s in the best interests of your customers and your shop. Remember to “Trust the Original. Genuine Nissan Parts.”