Old Habits: Spark Plug Service Now
A whole lot of evolution has occurred since most of us first started replacing plugs, so it’s time we re-examined our procedures and incorporate the latest subtleties
Read MoreNov 2012 | Electrical, MasterTechnician Features
A whole lot of evolution has occurred since most of us first started replacing plugs, so it’s time we re-examined our procedures and incorporate the latest subtleties
Read MoreNov 2012 | Fuel, MasterTechnician Features
The life span of the gasoline you buy at your local station can range from several months to a couple years from the day it was refined depending on how it was stored.
Read MoreNov 2012 | Engine Mechanical, MasterTechnician Features
Swapping a modern computer-managed EFI engine into a vintage or classic vehicle is a technological challenge, but the results will be well worth it.
Read MoreNov 2012 | Electric Vehicle + Hybrid, Electrical, Engine Mechanical, Exhaust, Fuel, MasterTechnician Features, MasterTechnician Issues
MasterTechnician, November 2012
Read MoreJan 2012 | MasterTechnician Features, MasterTechnician Issues
In this issue: Ticking Away, Tackling Maintenance Reminder Systems, Sleeping Giant, Scan Tools Revisited
Read MoreJan 2012 | MasterTechnician Features
Increasing fuel efficiency and horsepower while reducing harmful emissions is a tough job for any automotive engineer. “Variable Displacement†is one way General Motors chose to achieve this. Of course, with every new system comes greater complexity and more testing to diagnose any problems.
Read MoreThese wonderful diagnostic devices have been around since the early ’80s. The best pro-level versions are incredibly powerful now, but there are much less expensive specimens that are very practical, too
Read MoreThe old engine would run great when first fired up cold and had plenty of power, but as it warmed up it started to hesitate and run erratically.
Read MoreDec 2011 | General, MasterTechnician Features
This article explores why properly handling the maintenance required light is the finishing touch on any professional service. Avoid unnecessary come-backs for trifling things and retain customers who expect your shop to provide a high caliber of service.
Read MoreAug 2011 | MasterTechnician Features, MasterTechnician Issues
MasterTechnician July, 2011 -Download complete issue
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