Ockham’s razor: This principle can be interpreted as stating, “Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.â€
Vehicle emissions control devices have been in use for more than half a century. The crankcase ventilation system was one of the first emissions systems used on cars.
In this issue: VW 01M Speed Sensors; Audi Climate Control Systems; Understanding Porsche Brakes; DoIP, Part 1; VW City Golf 2.0L BEV Engine Mysteries; Audi Fuel Systems; VW Golf Trunk Floor Replacement
With increasing fuel economy standards, modern Audis include technologies to increase fuel efficiency and power. This begins with the fuel supply system, as it directly affects vehicle driving dynamics and efficiency.
It’s that time of year again! Time to drag out the A/C refrigerant machine and get out your UV glasses. The summer heat puts modern vehicles to the test for keeping drivers comfortable. Climate control plays a critical role in keeping Audi drivers both comfortable and safe while operating their vehicles.
In this issue: Audi Care and Feeding of Audi Suspension Systems; Audi Sunrroof Service; Porsche Turbocharging Porsches — When and Why; Volkswagen Driver Assistance Systems; Volkswagen Fasteners; Volkswagen Engine Oil Leak
Sunroofs have become standard equipment on all Audis. Many models also offer a larger, panormamic option. And, in addition to a panoramic size, motorized sun shades are available to increase comfort. Learn about safety features and what to look for when repairing an Audi sunroof.