Mercedes-Benz chemical engineers and metallurgists have worked out the fine points of this, and would not be overjoyed to know you’ve been putting something non-specified in your customer’s vehicles.
Mercedes-Benz chemical engineers and metallurgists have worked out the fine points of this, and would not be overjoyed to know you’ve been putting something non-specified in your customer’s vehicles.
Some have clutches, some don’t. Some are the scroll type, some aren’t. How do you know...
Stefanie and her team exist for one purpose — to make it faster, easier, and more profitable for you to buy your replacement parts from your local dealership’s parts department.
The latest on materials and procedures
Hang pads? Most upscale shops have junked their brake lathes, but do you always have to replace those discs during a reline? Mercedes-Benz engineers give us the truth.
Especially with direct injection, carbon build-up here is becoming a big issue. What does Mercedes-Benz recommend?
This safety essential is changing all the time. Make sure you understand newer systems and how they’re integrated with other features.
StarRewards, a brand-new program that pays you to buy parts from your local Mercedes-Benz dealership’s parts department.
The all-new StarParts line from Mercedes-Benz offers ISPs competitive pricing and enhanced profit margins
Based out of MBNA’s Atlanta headquarters, Al heads up the 13-person Parts Assistance Center. DiFranco thrives on being a problem solver. His motto? “We play to win.”
StarTuned is a quarterly publication, available in print, first. To get the next printed issue, contact your local MB dealer and ask to be included on the mailing list. Or, order one through the publisher, Automotive Data Media.