Maintaining the right standards
Maintaining the right standards
Savings on fixing brakes right!
When evaluating chassis integrity after collision damage you need to take the extra steps to verify straightness. The inherent value of a Mercedes-Benz vehicle definitely makes these extra steps worthwhile.
Mercedes-Benz timing chains and tensioners last and last. But, given the tremendous number of miles people put on these vehicles, they will need attention sooner or later.
One of the convenience features used most by your customers is the central locking system. Years ago, M-B took a completely different approach to this by making it pneumatic instead of electrical.
Just like a blacksmith’s bellows, the Mercedes-Benz AIS “fans the flames,” promoting rapid oxidation of pollutants in the exhaust stream.
Ease of manufacture, shear strength and aesthetic body lines are only some of the reasons Mercedes-Benz uses chemical bonding for joining body panels. How can we duplicate an OEM panel seam?
Installing a new control unit to replace the failed one is only half the job. With various combinations of options available on the same model, the new unit has to learn which are installed and how to work with them.
Since the early ‘90s, Mercedes-Benz has developed its Controller Area Network (CAN) to control how components communicate with each other and with us through our Compact III or Basic. How has this evolved, and what does it mean to diagnosis and repair?
Automobile emissions are a hot topic among environmentalists, drivers and technicians. Mercedes-Benz vehicles utilize emissions systems, such as Exhaust Gas Recirculation, to reduce harmful pollutants.
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