In this issue:
Reading the Air/Fuel Mixture: Art or Science?
Almost guru Voodoo in the past, five-gas exhaust analyzers and inexpensive A/F measuring equipment makes it more scientific, and your results more successful.
The Heart of the Engine: Camshaft Basics, Part 1
There’s a whole lot more to the science of camshafts than you probably ever imagined. This the first in a series by Greg McConiga will help you make the right choice. Also have an exclusive look at his very own Lift to Flow Rate Table.
Lord of the Circular Cylinder Seals: Piston Rings Part 3
This final installment of our ring trilogy gets deeply into the subtleties of preparation and installation. Talk about hands-on!
And… read a special entry from our editor, Bob Freudenberger on his experience at the Mud Bog and ATV Hog Waller in Palatka, FL.