Nissan TechNews Features

Troubleshooting the Infiniti IQ X56

Troubleshooting the Infiniti IQ X56

An Infiniti QX56 was driving when the engine stopped running with no warning or indication of a problem. After stalling out the engine would crank over, but not start.

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The Infamous U1000 Code: A Study in Nissan Network Diagnostics

The Infamous U1000 Code: A Study in Nissan Network Diagnostics

It is often a moment of considerable discomfort for many technicians when faced with the message on their scanner, “No Communications.” Usually, it is accompanied by other complaints that may range from troubles in the operation of controls like HVAC, power...

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The Case of the Reluctant Titan

The Case of the Reluctant Titan

It appeared to be a textbook case of strangulation. But not so fast….. Harry looked up from the morning paper as a new case file slid across his desk. A detective’s desk is always cluttered. It’s in the rules. The file contained notes and documents for a 2006...

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Nissan Charging Systems

Nissan Charging Systems

The electrical systems on today’s vehicles are extremely important. With multiple networks connecting a wide range of electronic control modules, their reliance on a well-functioning electrical system is crucial.

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