We can get lost very quickly if we are not savvy to the fact that the engine is the actual modulator for the computer controlling it. Wow. Sometimes in the world of diagnostics, we run into some extremely hard to solve technical problems. Most of the time these days,...
Catalytic converters have been all over the news lately, but not because of the fact that they are incredible devices that can literally change the molecules of the exhaust gases and convert toxins into less harmful byproducts, such as water vapor (steam) and carbon...
An oil leak or burning smell might indicate a leak from the front engine cover. Here's the procedure for resealing front engine covers. You might have a customer that comes in complaining about an oil leak or maybe a burning smell. On the Volvo XC90 V8, the front...
Driving with the oil filter housing plugged causes the engine to break down oil seals. When this happens, the cam seal, rear main seal and valve cover can all start to leak. How will you know when to replace an oil filter separator or oil filter housing on a Volvo?...
The steering column lock probably won’t be a problem until it is. The steering column lock locks the steering wheel in place when the vehicle has been shut off and the key or fob is removed. Different from the conventional key and tumbler, the steering column lock...
Volvo has been using fuel injection on their cars as long as we can remember. The designs have changed over the years, but the basic idea has remained the same. History Volvo first used fuel injection on the P1800 series cars in 1970. Volvo used a Bosch-designed...
Codes or No Codes: That is the question. Here's how to deal with MIL codes and faults. In this article, we will go over MIL codes and faults and how to deal with them. We will also go over Volvo no-code diagnosis, and how to approach vehicles that come into your shop...
In this issue: Four Common High Mileage Repairs • MIL Codes and Faults • Fuel Injectors • Steering Column Lock (SCL) • P1 Volvo Oil Separator (Oil Filter Housing) Replacement