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Volvo TechTips offers technical repair knowledge for independent technicians on how to repair Volvo vehicles correctly and efficiently. Sponsored and brought to you by the parts department at your local wholesale dealer, Volvo TechTips features highly technical and specific diagnostic and repair information on a variety of vehicle systems – in an effort to support your every day and overall business success.

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Feature Articles

Volvo Fuel Systems

Volvo Fuel Systems

Volvo engines have been fuel injected for many years, but the fuel injection system has changed a bit. We will go over different systems used through the years, how to maintain these systems, and the various problems that might occur.

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T6 Timing Belt Replacement

T6 Timing Belt Replacement

Timing belt replacement can sometimes be a daunting job, but with the right tools and help from Volvo VIDA this job can be made a lot less stressful.

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Volvo Suspension, Part 2

Volvo Suspension, Part 2

Buzz, rattle, ping, squeak, snap, crackle, pop! Customers come into your shop every day making sound effects to try to imitate and explain the noise that their Volvo is currently making.

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More Volvo Brakes

More Volvo Brakes

We all know that Volvo’s mantra has always been safety; that’s why Volvo has always been on the cutting edge of brake system technology, even in the early years.

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