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Volvo TechTips offers technical repair knowledge for independent technicians on how to repair Volvo vehicles correctly and efficiently. Sponsored and brought to you by the parts department at your local wholesale dealer, Volvo TechTips features highly technical and specific diagnostic and repair information on a variety of vehicle systems – in an effort to support your every day and overall business success.

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Feature Articles

Volvo Valve Adjustment P1 Cars

Volvo Valve Adjustment P1 Cars

Though you may rarely perform this job in your shop, it’s important that you understand how to check and adjust valve clearances. This knowledge will save you and your customers a lot of wasted time and money.

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Volvo Heater Cores

Volvo Heater Cores

Heater core replacement has come a long way from the early 1970s and 1980s. The days of removing the complete dash board have gone away. Through the years Volvo engineers have made it easier to install a heater core in the newer Volvos.

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